Argentina is a country known for its diverse and abundant wildlife, making it a popular destination for hunting enthusiasts. The country offers a range of hunting opportunities, from big game to small game, with a variety of species available for hunting. Here are some of the most popular animals that can be hunted in Argentina.

Red Stag

Red stag is the most sought-after big game species in Argentina. These majestic animals are known for their large antlers, which can reach up to 40 pounds in weight. They are found in the Patagonia region of Argentina, and the hunting season runs from March to May.

Water Buffalo

Water buffalo are another popular big game species in Argentina. These animals were introduced to the country in the early 20th century, and have since thrived in the wild. They are found in the north of the country, and the hunting season runs from May to August.

Wild Boar

Wild boar hunting is a popular activity in Argentina, as the country has a large population of these animals. Wild boar can be found throughout the country, and the hunting season runs year-round.


Dove hunting is one of the most popular hunting activities in Argentina, attracting hunters from all over the world. The country has the largest population of doves in the world, and the hunting season runs year-round.

See also:  When Is Feral Goat Hunting Season in Argentina?


Capybara is the largest rodent in the world and can be found in the wetlands of northern Argentina. Capybara hunting is a popular activity among hunters, and the hunting season runs from May to September.


Perdiz, also known as tinamous, are small game birds that are found throughout Argentina. They are a challenging hunt and require skill and patience. The hunting season runs from May to August.


Argentina offers a diverse range of hunting opportunities, from big game to small game, with a variety of species available for hunting. The country’s rich wildlife and beautiful landscapes make it a popular destination for hunting enthusiasts from around the world. Whether you’re interested in big game hunting or small game hunting, Argentina has something to offer for every hunter. It’s important to research the hunting regulations and seasons before planning a hunting trip to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

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